Happy Sunday, Ladies! I get email updates from a ministry for pastor's wives called...Psalm One Ministries. If I remember correctly, my mother-in-law connected me to this ministry when I was struggling and really needed a break. I just recently got some new information about two opportunities that I wanted to pass along to YOU. Grab a bunch of pastor's wives and head to one of these great events!
Break away from the day-to-day and be encouraged, challenged, supported and even pampered a bit! Come along with Linda Kline and Psalm One Ministries for a time of reconnecting with God, restoring your soul and resourcing. We’ll have a great time sharing and laughing with others who understand how wonderful, exciting, rewarding, obnoxious, fun, difficult, maddening, joyful and crazy life in the ministry can be.
See http://www.psalmone.org/Pastors_wives.htm
for more information.
I know how quickly my schedule fills up, so mark your calendar in INK, and join us…
June 26 (Saturday) for a one day “Sisterhood of the Fishbowl” Pastors’ Wives Gathering in Sycamore, Illinois. We’ll have a wonderful mini-retreat of challenge, encouragement with good food and good friends. RSVP to me if you can join us for this fun day!
October 22-24 (Friday to Sunday) for a “Sisterhood of the Fishbowl” Pastors’ Wives Retreat in New London, Wisconsin. This is a small, intimate soul care retreat in a very special setting, so watch for your email invitation, and get your registration in right away if you’d like to come.
We center on:
· Restoring your Soul—sharing laughter, friendship, real issues and fun ideas
· Reconnecting with God—being challenged and encouraged from the Word and truly enjoying our relationship with God
· Resourcing—I am part of the Caregivers’ Forum, a network of ministries that minister to those in ministry!
Life can easily get away from us. We may think we can’t afford to take off for a weekend, let alone a day. The reality is, we can’t afford not to! “But Jesus Himself would often slip away to the wilderness and pray”. (Luke 5:16) If He needed it, how much more do I?!
Look for an email invitation with more details soon. These events are for any woman whose husband is a full time pastor, so pass this on to other PW friends. Have them email me if they would like to be kept in the loop. Watch your email for further invitations and details.
Much love,
Linda Kline
Psalm One Ministries
6344 Inverness Way
Mason, OH 45040