What's this blog about?

Well, we are a bunch of pastor's wives from Minnesota who want to encourage and support other pastor's wives. We meet together on a regular basis for friendship and prayer. Our desire and purpose is to pray for our marriages, families, ministiries, and each other!

Being married to a pastor is filled with amazing blessings and amazing stresses. You are NOT alone! Our prayer is that you find support and feel loved as you travel down the road that God has for YOU!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Just Between Us Magazine

Just Between Us is a magazine for Christian Women with a heart for ministry offering encouragement, inspiration, spiritual support, and practical advice.  If you like reading then this magazine is for you.  I have been given a subscription (from my wonderful mother-in-law, Linda!) for probably 6 years now.  I really enjoy getting this because everything in it's pages...applies to me.  Check it out at:


"Twenty years ago God took international speaker and author Jill Briscoe’s dream for a tool for women with a heart for ministry and made it a reality. His stamp of faithfulness is evident in every issue as we have sought to be a friend to you who so faithfully and tirelessly empty yourselves on behalf of others every day.

I still remember sitting at my kitchen table working frantically to put the finishing touches on our premier issue, published in the summer of 1990. Then, just as now, we set out to address the joys and challenges of women with heart for ministry in a practical and honest way – and to come into your lives as your trusted friend.

Being almost a completely reader-written publication, I recall thinking, “Will we have enough articles to choose from, and how will we ever fill all of the pages?” Amazingly, in my 20 years as editor, we have never experienced a shortage of articles. We have covered topics on:

Friendship in Ministry
Raising Kids Who Love the Lord
Deepening Your Relationship with Christ
Dealing with Difficult People
Handling the Stresses of Ministry
How to Handle Leaving a Church

JBU is about women who share the same joys and struggles ministering to one another through the written word. And the importance of that kind of sharing is immeasurable because surveys continue to show that 44 percent of women with a heart for ministry have no trusted friend, and 30 percent have no person they can go to for support. The friendship need has not changed and continues to make the top of our “needs” list every time we survey our readers. JBU has attempted to make a difference by letting women know on a regular basis that they have some friends who are pulling and praying for them, and who understand because they have been there."

They also recently started a Just Between Us Blog.  It also has very helpful advice and has many encouraging/challenging articles too.
