- Favorite Book: Safely Home, My Hands Came Away Red
- Favorite Movie: The Blind Side - I like action movies (think Mission Impossible or the Bourne trilogy) and classics (Sound of Music, White Christmas)
- Favorite Store: Target b/c they have receipt lookup and I can get both groceries and other stuff at once; Christopher Banks for fun.
- Favorite Restaurant: Outback - chicken griller!!!!
- Favorite Music Style: I listen mostly to Christian radio, but I enjoy many different styles of music - classical, jazz, rock, etc. Not a big country fan, though.
- Favorite Sports Team: MN Vikings
- Favorite Vacation Destination: hiking in the mountains anywhere; ideally Australia
- Favorite Thing About Being A Pastor's Wife: that my husband can come home for lunch most days.
- Bath and Body Work's scent: Butterfly Flower
- Favorite Time Of Day: the hour after sunrise (but not in the summer b/c it's too early! :)
- Favorite Season (time of year): Spring - not too hot, not too cold, no bugs yet or Fall - not too hot, not too cold, pretty colors
- Favorite Hobby: playing volleyball (playing piano is probably first, but I'm counting that as my occupation, thus not a hobby)
- Favorite Family Activity: playing board or card games
- Favorite Snack: homemade popcorn
- Favorite Bible Verse: Psalm 139 and Hebrews 12 are my two that I always go back to.
- Favorite Flower: daisy
Andreia, thank you for sharing with us this week. May God bless you and your family as you serve the Lord together!