What's this blog about?

Well, we are a bunch of pastor's wives from Minnesota who want to encourage and support other pastor's wives. We meet together on a regular basis for friendship and prayer. Our desire and purpose is to pray for our marriages, families, ministiries, and each other!

Being married to a pastor is filled with amazing blessings and amazing stresses. You are NOT alone! Our prayer is that you find support and feel loved as you travel down the road that God has for YOU!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Wife Of The Week - March 14th - 20th

All this week, we will be praying for Kristin.

I have been married to my wonderful hubby, Nate, for almost 12 years! We have two beautiful girls; Elyse is 6 1/2 and Aubrey is 4 1/2. I am blessed to be a stay-at-home mom as well as doing home shows for Premier Designs Jewelry. I am thankful to be able to stay at home with our girls. I also love serving women in homes through Premier! I LOVE that Premier shares the same focus too!!

Nate and I have been doing ministry together for 13 years. I have always been involved in ministry during that time. My heart has always been for middle school girls. I LOVE them! I feel so blessed to have been able to serve with Nate all these years. God has blessed us with wonderful friends/church members that have blessed us in caring for our girls.

Something that God has been teaching me is having complete trust in HIM on EVERYTHING in my life! :) I like to have some control over things and God has been teaching me that HE is in control not ME! Let Go and Let GOD!

Please, join us in praying for Kristin's:

  • Marriage
  • 2 Children
  • Finances
  • Church

Kristin specifically requested that we pray for:
  • Aubrey's eyes - She had surgery for her lazy eye a few weeks ago. Please, pray for continued healing for her eyes...as well as for her brain to start using the eyes together!
  • We also will be driving to Florida in two weeks. Please, pray for safety, rest and our sanity. We are traveling with two girls who ask, "Are we there, yet?" just driving up to the cities! :)
Don't forget! We are always honored to be able to pray for you and your needs. If you would like to be featured as the "Wife Of The Week", please contact us at:
