What's this blog about?

Well, we are a bunch of pastor's wives from Minnesota who want to encourage and support other pastor's wives. We meet together on a regular basis for friendship and prayer. Our desire and purpose is to pray for our marriages, families, ministiries, and each other!

Being married to a pastor is filled with amazing blessings and amazing stresses. You are NOT alone! Our prayer is that you find support and feel loved as you travel down the road that God has for YOU!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Pastor's R&R

I wanted to highlight a really great ministry for Pastor's and their families. It's called, Pastor's R&R. Here's a little clip off of their website about what they offer...to YOU!

Pastors R&R is a ministry of The Pastors Staff, a 501(c)(3) private foundation. The main objective of Pastors R&R is to provide the use of vacation properties, free of charge (a minimal cleaning fee may apply), to full-time pastors / ministry leaders and their immediate family members, who cannot otherwise afford to get away. Pastors and ministry leaders often work long hours…day and night, week-after-week and year-after-year…with little time for rest or recreation with their spouses and/or children. Many of these ministers simply do not have the financial means to take their families on a much-needed vacation, away from their place of work, for a time of true relaxation and reconnection. That’s where we come in…

Well, Mark and I actually went to Florida last year with our four kids because of Pastor's R&R. It was an amazing experience and our whole family was truly blessed by their generosity and kindness. It was two weeks of vacation that would have NEVER happened if it wasn't for this wonderful ministry. Life can get very crazy/busy/stressful when you are in ministry. Remember to take time to be a family!

If you check out their website, you can read our testimonial (and many others). The first 6 photos in their gallery are of my family! :) There is also an application on their website to apply for a vacation. Anita is a wonderful woman (also a wife of a pastor too) who will work with you and your application. So, please check out this GREAT ministry for YOU!

Pastors R&R
26901 Eckel Rd.
Perrysburg, OH 43551
Email: info@pastorsrr.com
